Revista LTr | Janeiro de 2022
Por Jean-Michel Servais;
Social justice can be read here as a formula that synthesizes the ethical values that are promoted in the search for broad support on common rules of labor protection. When it comes to justice, thinkers and real-life experiences have sufficiently demonstrated that it is not to be confused with the law, the second term frequently covering factors of inequality.
The word social refers in this case to the relations of the classes of society, in so far as they differ in the nature and the proportion of their income. Two methods can be adopted to identify, in the achievements based on social justice, elements which constitute the embryos of a common right to the citizens of the world, or at least to many of them.
A first part of the general principles of (labor) law identified by doctrine and jurisprudence and confirms, or not, their existence and universal character. The one I have chosen, on the other hand, is to examine a body of positive rules, those of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which wanted to give this concept a practical content. In an attempt to assess the ability of these standards to achieve more social justice, I will first examine their implementation, their strengths and weaknesses.
The indirect effects of this set of rules can also be seen in codes of conduct and other company initiatives, collective labor agreements (national and supranational), trade laws of countries importing products and services as well. than in bilateral or multilateral trade agreements.
Noting the destabilizing effects of globalization on the consensus that had been found around these international labor conventions, I propose secondly to analyze the notion of «decent work» which has replaced that of social justice within the ‘Organization. This sought to re-establish an agreement on minimum bases, by focusing on certain rights considered to be fundamental and by making extensive use of «soft law». I will emphasize the limits of this policy and outline a
possible future.
1 - La justice sociale à l’OIT: un consensus.
1.1 - La justice sociale comme fondement de l’action normative de l’OIT .
1.2 - Les bases constitutionnelles.
1.3 - Les bases de la règlementation internationale du travail.
1.4 - L’impact des normes internationales du travail.
1.5 - Un bref rappel des procédures de contrôle normatif par l’OIT.
2 - Les méthodes alternatives de règlement des difficultés rencontrées dans l’application des conventions.
3 - La référence aux normes de l’OIT par des autorités publiques ou des acteurs
privés. II. Le glissement vers la «décence» sociale.
3.1 - La fin du consensus et le repli sur les droits fondamentaux au travail.
3.2 - Le travail «décent».
3.2.1 - La Déclaration de 1998.
3.2.2 - Le travail décent: concept, éléments et évaluation. Conclusions: quelques réflexions pour un autre avenir
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